Links to Free Molecular Biology Resources

BioEdit A full featured sequence manipulation program. You get ABI trace viewing, contig assembly, BLAST searches, file format conversion, alignment editing and much, much more. Windows only.

SeqPup A Java based sequence manipulation program similar to BioEdit. Fewer features than BioEdit, but runs on any platform.

REBASE New England Biolabs' online database of restriction enzymes. REBASE has up to date information on every known restriction enzyme and text files for all restriction mapping software (updated monthly). Now includes DNA methylases.

NEBcutter New England Biolabs' online restriction mapping tool. Also maps long ORFs and outputs a graphical sequence map.

bioperl A collection of Perl modules for automation of sequence alignments, file format conversion, sequence annotation and more. The complete collection requires a Unix-based operating system, but the basic modules will run on any OS.

The Sanger Center software collection. A wealth of freely available software packages for sequence analysis and manipulation.

Sequence Manipulation Suite A collection of web based programs for analyzing and formatting DNA and protein sequences.

Expasy A web based collection of tools for protein sequence analysis and structure prediction.

Ensembl Genome Browser A web based graphic genome browser. Currently supports human, mouse, zebrafish and mosquito genomes.

Operation LIPSTICK Absolutely nothing to do with molecular biology, but an interesting story.

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